Serving the Expat Community, every step of the way


We understand that ending a marriage is emotionally draining and the physical adjustments at hand can present the daily issues to be even more difficult. With an international divorce, the prospect involves many frightening consequences for you and your family.

With over 20 years of experience, our team of experienced lawyers, associates and support staff is fully capable of providing you with the best legal support at affordable rates. We understand that our clients’ needs have to be protected in respect of all potential international rights and regulations involved in an expatriate divorce. Our experts will equip you with the necessary information, so that you can make the most beneficial decision for yourself and your family.

It is our firm’s motto to ensure that there is a proper closure for your divorce so that life goes on.

Whenever possible, we always recommend alternative processes such as Mediation or the Collaborative family process. These methods are less acrimonious and studies have shown that the effects of warring couples have a direct impact on the development of the children who are trapped in the tussle between divorcing parents. With the alternative modes of resolution, the process is faster, more affordable, more amicable than contested divorce proceedings which outcome is litigated in court. The contentious process is also often long drawn and emotionally draining.

With Mediation or the Collaborative family process, our professional team will guide you with their expertise to negotiate and decide for yourself an outcome that is most favorable to you. To ensure that communicating with our clients and understanding their needs and expectations is our top priority, our support team members are also conversant in French, Spanish and Italian.

Contact us at Hoh Law Corporation at 65534800 or send us an email at